Skytear Horde Monoliths is shipping. Campaigns are next

Dear friend of Skytear Games,

In about a month we will finally share some more details about the spiritual sequel to Skytear, our first miniature game.

But this email is all about Skytear Horde, the castle defense card battler.

If you haven't heard of it yet, Skytear Horde gives you the feeling of the classic competitive TCG's... but SOLO or 2-player cooperative.

You Setup in 2 minutes and play in 20-30... it fits in your schedule (and mental energy budget!) even after a tiring day at work.

It is also easy to pause the game and continue later if you have to, say, run after a kid (just a random example ;)).

Paul Grogan from GamingRules! just made a live playthrough video of Monoliths yesterday, if you want to have a look:

video preview

As of Today we have fully delivered Skytear Horde Monoliths in the US and UK, while Europe and Canada should follow in the next 2 weeks.

We are happy to say that after about a year, all 3000 players who pledged for Monoliths will have received their game.

That's why on June 18 we are planning to crowdfund the third chapter of the series: Skytear Horde: Campaigns.

Yes, we're introducing campaigns, but quick and snappy, the Skytear Horde way, as you can play one full campaign in just about 2 hours!

You can follow the campaign on Gamefound to get a promo pack for free.

And if you are not into crowdfunding, you can order Monoliths from our shop instead.

We have some leftover deluxe copies as well as the "no-frills, only gameplay" editions.

In the UK and US we will ship orders right away.

In other countries, we will ship once the backers in your region got their copies, most likely in 2 weeks.

Either way, this is the link to our shop.
And this is how a game in progress looks like...

I could list you dozen of improvements that we made to Skytear Horde with Monoliths... things like:

  • A completely rewritten rulebook
  • More consequential and meaningful choices (e.g. exhaust to move and engage minions)
  • More synergies and combos for exciting turns and power spikes
  • An even faster setup
  • Doubled the card pool for enabling proper deckbuilding, together with tools to help you fetch the right cards
  • A scalable difficulty system to always challenge you, even if you build crazy broken decks
  • Outsiders with a global aura that influence the game from start to end, like mini scenarios.
  • And many more changes... but I let's have some comments from BoardGameGeek and Facebook speak for us instead, in the P.S.

So... long story short:

Happy gaming

Skytear Games Newsletter

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